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Showing posts from January, 2011

Exploring Pondicherry, Part II

School for Perfect Eyesight (SPE) is one of the many institutions founded by Sri Aurobindo Ashram. Sri Aurobindo Ashram is having a divine place among people of Pondicherry. Majority of the population is Tamil but there is a considerable presence of French and other European population.Tamil and French have been declared as a official languages of Government of Pondicherry.    It was almost 9 o’clock when we reached our destination; we were tired, hungry and were traveling for last 23 hours. But now the most important task was to find shelter in the unknown city. We inquired in the couple of hotels but the fare was out of our budget, so finally we hired one auto and told him to take us to a hotel with reasonable fare . After visiting few places finally we selected one hotel on the busy street in some old building. It was very late in the night and we were exhausted. Our room was small and not that comfortable hence we decided that we are going to leave this room as soon as po...

Exploring Pondicherry, Part I

  Its almost 11 years have passed after my Pondichery visit. Those were the days of my teen age full of confusion, full of enthusiasm and obviously with no money to spend. I was disparately wanted to do something adventurous but failed due to my studies and other restrictions imposed by my parents.  I had a dream of joining Indian AirForce(IAF) and Ishihara color test told me that I am having a certain kind of defective colour vision which will ultimately deny my entry as a fighter pilot. I became nervous, unhappy and little bit angry and when you feel like that, especially when you are in your teens, you assume the whole world is against you and you should struggle by all means. Fortunately I got a companion in my struggle, my school friend Rushikesh, who was also wanted to join IAF and was diagnosed with the same problem. Together we started to find out what can be done with this problem or how this can be cured.  By the time our summer vacations were started an...

Traveling, from my perspective

Traveling has been the most popular and favorite among the people throughout the world over ages. People have always tried to explore the new lands on this earth and have always inspired others to do the same. And we know there were no ultra modern modes of transport, there were no luxurious star hotels, there were no google maps, there were no telephones, mobiles and last but not least there were no travel insurances. It is really hard to imagine for us today how difficult the traveling would have been in the ancient or medieval times.But still people of those ages were always passionate to explore the new lands and describing those experiences.         I have read in history books how the famous Buddhist Chinese monk Yuan Chwang was passionate about visiting India. He wanted to study the Buddhism and after facing numerous difficulties he reached India, traveled across the subcontinent, studied Buddhism, participated in religious debates and much i...