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   Sometimes few silent moments comes in your life and suddenly it starts recalling your nostalgia. The moments which are stored  safely in the corner of your memory, starts coming out. You don't have to be a great or famous to recall or to write your memories. Everybody has something from his past, few magical moments that counts, his own audience to listen. I am also not exception to that, there are some moments which makes me sad, pride and smile.
     It is said that when you start recalling the events from the past too often, it  indicates that mentally you are getting old. But who cares?? I love to wander in the past, to enjoy the magic moments again and to forget the present for  some time. Most of the times we remain busy in our daily routine, we think less and behave like machines, we keep working all the day, then we go back to our home, we spend some time with our family members, then we end our day by going to bed and start a new day exactly in the same fashion. But sometimes we get free time to think, to view the old photographs and then we become humans giving up our machine life for a while.
    Few years back, I had a dream when I was in a deep sleep in the night. It was about our playground, located outside of my housing society. I used to play there in the evening with my friends, sometimes spending the whole day to play the cricket, neglecting the burning sun above my head in the summer vacations. At the right side of the playground there were plenty of  'tamarind' trees, our main attraction other than playing cricket and yes! a resting spot after toiling hard in a cricket match. There was a small farm across the tamarind trees, we always used to search our lost cricket ball in the farm after a biggest hit, it was a hard job to go in the mud and to search, but we used to enjoy it. As I grew up, I became busy in my studies and my visits to playground became rare and rare and then stopped finally. Slowly it was forgotten from my memories.
      In the dream I saw that playground and those 'tamarind' trees, I saw the farm across the trees, I saw my parked bicycle under the tree. When I woke up, I was amazed and surprised to have such dream. I decided to visit the playground in the evening. I was excited and curious to see the playground  after almost 14 years. As our old short cut route was not available , I went there by taking the long route. I reached at that place and I was shocked, at first, I thought that I have lost, the place was changed dramatically, there were no 'tamarind' trees, there was no farm across the trees and there was no playground at all. What I found there was, a group of tall buildings and a shopping mall. I could not stop there any longer, I returned home with sadness filled in my mind. I asked my mother about it, she told me that the owner of the farm had sold his farm and land to one construction company 5-6 years back and they have developed the entire area.
   Now the playground lies in my memories, safe and untouched, no construction company can build a shopping mall or tall buildings over there. On some free, silent moments, I can see that playground, the farm, those beautiful 'tamarind' trees and off course, my parked bicycle...


  1. Very nice blog subodh....................

    It took me to trip in flash back of my golden days in the childhood............

    Keep it up
    --Anirudha Deshpande


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