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India is changing!

Thousands of people on the streets, without any leadership, without any political influence, demanding for the Jan-Lokapal bill, a bill that will ultimately control and cure the cancer of corruption in India.

   Yesterday, I came back from a candle march organized by few organizations in my city, Pune. I felt as if I was watching any Bollywood film, I felt as if  I was in dreams, it was unbelievable, I could feel the enthusiasm of the people, giving the slogans against the corrupt politicians, corrupt bureaucrats and corrupt system. There were the young collage students, there were employees, there were pensioners, in short there were people from all backgrounds, agitating by holding candles in support of Mr. Anna Hazare, who was on fast till last hour, for the demand of Jan-Lokpal bill and the victory was ours, it was the victory of India again after 'cricket world cup', when government agreed for all the five demands raised by Mr. Anna Hazare.

  I remember the last elections in Bihar, few months back. The state of Bihar was notorious for the malpractices in election campaign, for a caste based politics, for violence during elections and for backwardness. But the last elections proved to be exceptional. There was no violence, there were no malpractices, people voted for development and not for caste based politics. It was the victory of people, it was the victory of new India.
    I also remember the hearing of the Allahabad High Court last year in case of  Ayodhya matter. Everybody was suspicious, everybody was afraid of the situation in our country after the hearing. But after the judgment of the high court, people were calm and quiet, there were no riots, there were no speeches of extremes. I was impressed by this mature behavior of my people. These were the signs that people want to live peacefully, they want to flourish in a healthy atmosphere.
        These all are the signs of a change, a realization of people's power and a people's revolution in a true sense. Yes, we are changing, our India is changing.


  1. Nice blog.................... keep it up

  2. Good job! thanks for sharing.
    where u can find this stuff.

  3. Yes India is changing .But don't you think in most of cases it happens that only for particular period of time pepole get influnced by someone's act and as time passes everyone get back to his/her routine life.That should not happened. I mean to say after this committment from Govt. whether people like you and me who has activally participated in candel march to support Anna hazare are continued with activity against corruption?

    I think this should be continuous process and young generation can only continue this.

    so put up blog which directs pepole to start any kind of activity may be very small but slowly change corrupted mind.

  4. Hi Jahnavi,
    yes I agree with you, this should be a continuous process and people should not forget these events and should be ready for struggle again, if required. But what I feel is, what ever has happened during those four days was phenomenal, we haven't experienced people's movement with out support of any political leadership for a long time. The recent events are the signs of change. And as you said it is very true that it is just a beginning and we must involve ourselves in this long process.


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