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Showing posts from July, 2011

Friends, Indians, Countrymen! its just our battle

    Mumbai and the whole country has again seen the shameless blood bath after recent bomb blasts which again only killed the innocent people. It is reported that when the Chief Minister of Maharashtra visited the hospital to see the injured s, the angry mob protested by giving slogans against him and the government. Seems like people have lost the patience and faith in the government and why shouldn't they? Is this that our Government even can not offer the safety of our life, is that something we do not have a right to live without fear, to go out without worrying,  in our own country. Its just two and half years have passed when the city of Mumbai was attacked and we lost many innocent lives that time, the city was like a battle field, but due to the brave police men of the Mumbai Police that shameless terrorist Kasab was caught alive. But today we have seen what message enemy wants to give, they want terrorize us without stopping , they want us to fear them all time and on the

America Diary V

My stay in US has been extended by one more month and on last week I shifted from Riverside to San Bernardino, staying at Hilton Garden Inn hotel on Waterman avenue. Whether Riverside or San Bernardino, its the same wide roads, palm trees and the unbearable heat. During weekends it was impossible for me to sit in the hotel room and at the same time it was difficult to go out in the heat. But on last Sunday, finally I went out  to get rid of my loneliness in the temperature of 39 degree Celsius to only found that loneliness, my companion from past few days is following me. I found those huge wide roads nearly empty, occasionally, I got to see few cars going with a speed of not less than 80 kilometers per hour and then silence till next bunch of cars come in the picture. This was something I had never expected to experience, how the roads, bus stops and pedestrian paths can be empty, almost for all the times? First time in my life I was searching for people on the roads and I could not f

America Diary IV

  In the month of June, the climate in Southern California is usually pleasant and mild. Its the July, August and September when the terrible Southern Californian summer starts burning. I had a just 3 more weekends in my hand before returning to India and I wanted to make full use of the weather to visit the various places. But sad part was that, there is no such thing called public transport over here. There were just the cars, cars and cars and if you don't have one, then god may help you. The same case was with me, I was new in the country and off course I did not have the car (I don't have the car and I am still in the US). But then Mr.Yash Jog, my senior colleague helped me a lot. He used to ask me where I want to go this weekend and then with a little bit hesitation I used to tell him my wish. So last time I told him that I want to go to Hollywood boulevard, which is the main attraction not just in California but in all US and the world, so the plan was quickly finalized,