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America Diary IV

  In the month of June, the climate in Southern California is usually pleasant and mild. Its the July, August and September when the terrible Southern Californian summer starts burning. I had a just 3 more weekends in my hand before returning to India and I wanted to make full use of the weather to visit the various places. But sad part was that, there is no such thing called public transport over here. There were just the cars, cars and cars and if you don't have one, then god may help you. The same case was with me, I was new in the country and off course I did not have the car (I don't have the car and I am still in the US). But then Mr.Yash Jog, my senior colleague helped me a lot. He used to ask me where I want to go this weekend and then with a little bit hesitation I used to tell him my wish. So last time I told him that I want to go to Hollywood boulevard, which is the main attraction not just in California but in all US and the world, so the plan was quickly finalized, 'Mission Los Angeles', I was very much excited.

     We got discounted tickets of an aquarium called 'Aquarium of the Pacific', located at city of Long beach and we added that place too on our list that day. I like sea, I like beaches, I love to be seated on a beach looking at the sea for hours but I had never been to any aquarium before and hence initially I thought that these are the places for the kids to enjoy, to study and to have some fun, these are the places  where you can find few types of marine species and some dolphin shows, definitely I am going to get bored. I started for Long Beach with Jog family, in between we collected the discounted tickets from one lady and then we reached at the aquarium but could not go inside for the next 20 minutes, the reason was we were trying to park our car. The country is full of cars so naturally the car parkings are the most precious things and you don't get these as per your convenience or by your choice and off course they are expensive and enforced with certain duration and if you miss it then the resulting fine will spoil you. So we were lucky enough to get parking lot for Yash's car in 20 minutes and we were inside the aquarium.

  Anxiously I entered the aquarium and I was lost there, it was not just about the dolphin shows or few marine creatures but it was almost everything about the marine life of the Pacific. There were different types of crabs some of them were of monster size, there were the different types of Start fish, jelly fish. There were the sharks, there were the whales.. oh no there were not the whales of the monster size. But indeed I had a very good time over there. Now I was eager to see the Hollywood sign in the mountain, then the Hollywood boulevard and to take a 'Walk of Fame' there. So at first we decided to go and see the Hollywood sign on the mountain. It is not much farther than the long beach, but we were searching for best place from which we can glance the sign and take the photograph. Due to traffic it was really difficult to drive and then to find a parking place. So we had to park our car far away from the view point, it was evening, we were wandering for the whole day but now the kids were tired hence only me and Yash decided to go there by taking a long walk, there is observatory called as 'Griffith Observatory' and from there you can see the Hollywood sign and the beautiful city of Los Angeles. We reached that point and took a glance at the sign, this is the sign of dream to millions of people, these nine letters are those magical letters which have hypnotized the people around the globe.
   It was 6 in the evening and we were getting late, there was still 'Hollywood Boulevard' on our list, the main attraction in LA or CA or USA. This is the boulevard where the main attractions are situated, the walk of fame, the famous Kodak theater, Universal Studios, shopping marts and much more than you can imagine. You can find variety of Limousines, variety of people and variety of fun on this boulevard. You can find the dummies of the various stars on the boulevard and you can have photograph with the if you wish in just one dollar. There I found Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson and many more. Suddenly I heard few girls screaming by looking at their bottom on a walk of fame where the stars are embedded in sideways with names of Hollywood celebrities. They found the star of Britney Spears and they were expressing there joy. Indeed it is a city of dream, city of joy and pleasure. Millions of people visit this boulevard to dream and to enjoy.  Then I saw the famous Kodak theater, the place where the 'Academy Awards' are distributed every year since 2002. I got myself clicked in front of the theater. We were just wandering through the boulevard, everybody was so energetic and full of smiles on their faces. We too were not willing to return but we had to, slowly we were getting out of the dreams to face the real world.

(in continuation)


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