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Amazing England I

Last year in October, I visited UK. It was my second visit to the English land and again this time too I could not visit Scotland and Welsh country. As it was autumn in the UK, I found colorful trees everywhere. The weather was as unpredictable as stock exchange, giving warm as well as cooling effects periodically and sometimes raining for the whole day. I visited Leamington Spa town (where I was staying), Warwick castle, Stratford upon Avon(William Shakespeare's birth place) and City of Coventry.

    I am sharing few snaps of my visit, in three parts.

   Royal Leamington Spa:- Situated in Warwick shire, famous for its mineral spa was once used to called as
Leamington Priors.  Here are few snaps of the city.

    The colorful trees all around the streets of Leamington city. It feels like various paint brushes are trying to color the canvass of the sky.

River Leam flowing through the town, you can see greenery around the river.

 All Saint's church , a parish church for Leamington Spa.

Beautiful Gurudwara in the town.

  The apartment in the town where I stayed.

                                                                                                                                (In continuation)


  1. So true.. Weather in the UK is really unpredictable..
    Nice photos.. :)

  2. Yeah, I have experienced it too.
    Thanks for your comment.

  3. Less description this time................ It looks like supportive blog........ expected much more description..........anyways keep it up................

  4. Hey Aniruddha!!
    thanks for your feedback. You are right, this time less description, because there are lots of photographs, and if I am not much mistaken, the photographs are itself describing something!!! :), don't you think? Anyway I will add much more description from now onwards.

  5. Dear Subodh,
    I know photographs are self descriptive.But they are not having SUBODH's vision & also they are not shined by your magical words which makes them live for us.
    I am regular follower of ur blogs and your description & magic of words makes your blog readable.Looking the snaps is just like visiting museum but to FEEL them we need desription
    Thats what I honestly feel.

  6. Hi Anirudha,
    Thanks for your valuable feedback and off course complement. I just posted my third part of the Amazing England series and saw your comment and I am really sorry that I posted it without description. But I assure you that now onwards I will add the description (as you expect) with the my every post. Thanking you again for this valuable suggestion. I hope you will continue to read and visit our blog as before. :)


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