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Jasmine! at our doors

The  impact of Jasmine revolution, which took the Arab countries by storm, is at our doors. From last few months we were just mute spectators of the events which occurred in our country. The series of scandals, right from Common wealth games to the 2G spectrum, shook everybody but we were just merely watching these events or just discussing  among friend circles that we should teach a lesson to these politicians who have ruined our beloved nation. But unfortunately, it has been just a topic for hot discussions or may be entertainment channel in our free time or during the  morning walks. The reason for that is simple, we  found ourselves so helpless and weak to fight with this, to oppose the system created by the politicians and for the politicians, no wonder, after some time we started adjusting ourselves with this system. We have seen the behavior of MPs or MLAs in the Parliament or in assemblies when it comes to the some crucial issue  related to the people and we have also seen the unity of all these members when it comes to the passing their salary hike bills. We were really happy when we saw Dr. Manmohan Singh becoming Prime Minister, we were relieved when the person like him was the head of Indian Government but we forgot we also wanted a strong Prime Minister who will act and will not became a mute spectator of the unfortunate events occurred, just like us. I haven’t seen few lacks rupees at a time in my life but thanks to our politicians, at least I can imagine anyone can have corers of rupees at a time  if he becomes politician.
     I appreciate and support Mr. Anna Hazare, not just because he is targeting the politicians but he is trying to prove that corruption is bad thing and you cannot occupy the seat if you are corrupt. Many allegations have made so far, that he is trying to encash the popularity, he is targeting the politicians for his self interest or why he is targeting specific politicians etc.
   Is Mr. Hazare has declared to form new political party, so that he will encash the popularity for the elections or to create so called ‘vote bank’? What kind of self interest Mr. Hazare is trying to seek? How can you say that “doing corruption is not a self interest” and “fighting against it, is a self interest”? Can those who have made these allegations answer this? If you check the past record of Mr. Hazare, he has fought against almost every political party, he has not gained anything for himself from his past struggles.
   We should support Mr. Hazare for our struggle, notable personalities like Amir Khan, Kiran Bedi,  Ramdeo Baba and Swami Agnivesh are also supporting him. We have seen the crowded streets of Egypt, Libya and Tunisia and I am sure we must have been thinking why this  cannot happen in our country. Now Mr. Anna Hazare has taken initiative then just don’t be a mute spectator, do not lose this  opportunity, participate in this struggle for our Nation.


  1. I am sure that with this kind of awesome writing called "Pratibha", blog reader will always start dreaming his/her life in your way .

    With "Wandering with Passion", everyone will start discovering new direction for life .

    yes I am proud of being better half of person who has built in audacity which makes
    life precious and colorful also reflects through blog .


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